Ask HN: Need a prescriptive recommendation on front-end stack to learn

Ask HN: Need a prescriptive recommendation on front-end stack to learn
2 by vbx | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I am an experienced software and devops engineer. I want to pick up web development so I can make decent looking MVP's. I can program well in Python, Swift, C++ and old Javascript. The last time I did web development in 2018, I was making simple web apps with Flask/Django, jQuery and Bootstrap. Now it seems like the scene has exploded with a PLETHORA of tools to choose from. I am not worried about learning the latest and greatest. I need suggestions on a stack which is performant, modern enough and is able to get the job done. My initial thoughts: - Bootstrap + Vue.js + Django backend hosted on Firebase, GCP/AWS PaaS

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