Ask HN: Is PhD the only way to be able to enter research?

Ask HN: Is PhD the only way to be able to enter research?
6 by NalNezumi | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hello HN, I'm currently a junior robotics engineer. (unemployed) As the robotics field is still very young and experimental stage, I always envisioned that robotics work & development would include at least some research component (read paper for application & implementation) and that Start-ups that need a technical edge would be the places open to this. After working at two Startups, the latter one at hiring stage explicitly stating reading/implementing state-of-the-art methods as job description (Which I didn't end up doing), I've come to the impression that most of the time, this is not the case. So I've been looking for institute/places that are more research focused, but almost all of them seems to put a PhD at "Minimum requirement" for application. Is there anyone out there that do more research related work, but ended up doing that without a PhD in the bag? If so, how?

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